Each of the Temples of the Order in Europe and North America has its own charitable or non-profit status, making all of them financially independent, with the majority of their funds coming from their congregations. Affiliated meditation groups are supported by their members. Please click on the ‘Locations’ tab if you would like more details about supporting a particular Temple or meditation group.

In addition, there are Order-wide funds set up in the US and the UK to support those monks whose main role is in the administration of the Order or who are not otherwise supported by an individual Temple. As well as covering the expenses of the Head of the Order and other Order officers, these funds cover a variety of running costs. There are also restricted funds to help support individual monastic members and specific projects.

At present, these Order-wide activities are funded by donations primarily from individuals but also from Temples. In addition, some of the Temples provide practical resources to help the Order function.

In the United States these funds are held by a registered 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, and in Europe by the OBC Activities Trust, a UK registered charity. For more information about the Order finances in the US or to make a donation, contact the North American treasurer here.

If you would like to help the Order financially in Europe, please ask about the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives Activities Trust, Charity No. 1105634, or contact the European treasurer here.

You can also make a donation online by clicking on the PayPal button above. All US donations are tax exempt.

The financial support offered by our congregations and friends sustains the Order and its work, and ensures that all may have access to, and share in, the contemplative life of our tradition.